Terms & Conditions
Once you agree to go ahead with our web services, you will be sent an invoice for any email, domain and/or hosting charges which will be set up on an automatic monthly Direct Debit using our online payment partner Go Cardless. The 1st monthly installment will be debited within 14 days of the invoice date. We need this Direct Debit in place in order to set up your email and/or hosting accounts on the server. Please note that you are liable for the full amount for the 12 month period from the date of the invoice at any given time.
By approving and signing off the design of your website you are instructing us to place your product(s) or services live on the Internet. You are responsible for ensuring that all content and information on the website is correct. Once your website is live you are liable for a one-off design and build fee which will be invoiced separately. Any requested changes to supplied content after the website build has commenced, will be charged in addition and based on an hourly rate. Any additions or excessive changes which go beyond the initial website brief, will be charged in addition and based on an hourly rate.
Any new website we build, is built with WordPress CMS. All non-ecommerce websites we build will have automatic updates enabled for both WordPress and WordPress plugins. The majority of the time this works great, but there are occasions when a conflict occurs that needs to be fixed manually, or rolled back to a previous backup. Websites on our hosting are backed up daily, but only on a 2 week cycle. It is therefore important that you (the client) check your website regularly and report any issues as soon as possible. We (I-Vine Tech Ltd) cannot be held responsible for any issues that occur as a result of a WordPress or plugin update. If you would prefer a more personal update service, please contact your account handler for details.
Your domain & hosting fee is an ongoing charge that is renewed annually. Domain & hosting fees are subject to annual increase. This contract is recurring until we are notified in writing by you giving 30 days’ notice of your intent to cancel. Failure to pay for the design and/or your initial and on-going domain registration, and website hosting fee (or a similar applicable charge) in full or via a Direct Debit, will lead to your website being removed from the Internet and replaced with the following temporary holding page www.i-vinetech.com/website-unavailable. Please note, if we do not receive payment from you within our standard 30 dayterms (or other agreed credit terms) we reserve the right to effect the Direct Debit arrangement we have with you to recover the funds due to us. By approving our charges (and/or using our services) and setting up your Direct Debit you are agreeing that you have read and accept our terms and conditions and payment process as outlined in our FAQ’s.
Any email accounts/address connected to the domain will also cease to work. You will also be liable for a £30 + VAT reconnection charge. This charge cannot be refunded and you must pay it in full along with the amount showing on your invoice prior to your website being reconnected. Failure to pay this disconnection charge and any other monies due to I-Vine Tech Ltd will result in legal action, and your website could well be replaced with this holding page https://www.i-vinetech.com/cowboystatus.
After we have been paid in full your site will be reconnected but any future payments must be paid in full not by Direct Debit. You will be invoiced at the renewal date and payment to I-Vine Tech Ltd will be expected to be paid immediately you will not be given credit terms.
If you have asked for your website to be taken down from the internet because the domain may have been prepaid for in advance the following message will appear, www.i-vinetech.com/website-unavailable until your domain expires.
Google analytics and similar tracking features. If you ask us to add tracking services into your website such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixels and similar technologies, it is your responsibility to read up on the compliance implications involved. GDPR requires that users are made aware of cookies and tracking on websites (in a clearly visible bar or popup on the website) and that they should have to give their consent before the tracking scripts are added to the website (eg an Accept/opt in button). We are not an authority on GDPR and do not claim to be a legal or official source. As the website owner, you are responsible for ensuring that your website and the data you handle meet EU requirements.
Privacy policies. Following GDPR, all websites should have a privacy policy. If you do not supply your own privacy policy, then we will use our generic one. It is all standard stuff these days, but you will need to read through this privacy policy to make sure you understand what you are agreeing to. We are not an authority on GDPR and cannot guarantee that this privacy policy will make you fully compliant. As the website owner, you are responsible for ensuring that your website and the data you handle meet EU requirements.
The advertising and marketing of your website is your responsibility. I-Vine Tech Ltd cannot be held responsible for the low ranking of any website created by us within search engines such as Google. Low numbers of visits or inactivity on your website is out of our control and is not accepted as a reason for non-payment. We cannot guarantee any increased sales or enquiries as a result of our web services.
We (I-Vine Tech Ltd) cannot be held responsible for any loss of email, or any misconfiguration of email settings in 3rd party email client software or device such as Outlook, MacMail, Mobile phones or Tablets.
We (I-Vine Tech Ltd) will not be responsible for any loss of business or loss of earnings, caused directly or indirectly by website downtime or disruption to hosting services.
Should you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions please email or speak to contact your account handler.